Passion Breeds Purpose

Some days we need that extra push or a few words of wisdom to keep that drive going. Many things will get in the way to distract you, but stay inspired and no matter what do what you LOVE. Sometimes its hard to focus on our true passions because we get caught up in life and focus on materialistic pleasures. But those things won't satisfy you for long. I'm working on my next to last class of my MBA program, and it's becoming more difficult to focus as the end draws near. (I should be working on a paper, but I'm taking a few minutes to post some thoughts.) I've always wanted my MBA because I felt I needed one to become this great executive/CEO or entrepreneur. I know that my lessons will definitely help me in the workplace, but did I really need to rack up more student loans for a competitive advantage over my peers?  Some of the most successful entrepreneurs do not have an MBAThere are tons of people with multiple degrees that are barely surviving because the job economy is horrible. Oh and how about trying to find a job you love AND make enough to pay rent...does that even exist? I know it exists somewhere. Sometimes you have to struggle a little to get what you truly want. Even now I'm still a bit unsure of what I really want to do. I have a few ideas, so until I reach some grand breakthrough of my purpose, i'll do what I love. Volunteer and capture moments. They don't really go together, but i'm ok with that. The rest will come to me.
via aroundthewaycurls 
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well people can’t take their eyes off you.”
-Maya Angelou

in all things.

"When a problem comes in life, we are prone to say, 'Oh, woe is me!' and wonder how it will affect us: Will it cause me pain? Will it cost me money? Too often we think only on the earthly level. But like Paul, we should think on a heavenly level: What is God trying to teach me? How can I glorify Him in this? In fact, a good definition of Christian maturity is: automatically seeing things in light of the divine perspective."

I saw this on a friend's facebook status and just HAD to share. This statement was speaking to me. It's a reminder to always think positive. What will be..will be.  So it's best to just learn as much as you can from each situation. Glorify Him in all things. When you're sick, when you only have two dimes to rub together, your car breaks down, when everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong, think beyond that situation and know who is in control of your situation. He is already working on it and has a greater purpose for your life.

1 Corinthians 10:31