a dark room.

Some days I wish I wasn't so delicate. Ever since I was young I was always the sickly child out of the bunch. But that didn't stop me from running around barefoot getting bruised up with my cousins. But something that always knocks me down to this day are fucking migraines. Those that suffer from migraines know how I'm feeling. I'm helpless. Light and sound hurt. I feel it all over my body. I lay still in silence in a dark room hoping it will go away. But it leaves me in pain for a couple of days and leaves on its own terms. Sometimes the meds work, sometimes they don't. My head continues to throb. It always comes on the perfect day when I have other things to do. I wish it would go suck a diseased cock and leave me alone. But it shows no mercy. So I just lay still in silence in a dark room hoping it will go away.