Treat yourself.

If you don't take care of yourself, who will? I have been working hard and I decided to treat myself to something nice. I have loved handbags since I could carry one. I used to call my purse "my pocka." So I decided to invest in a nice handbag. As much as I love handbags, this is actually my first designer handbag purchase. It is pricey for what I would normally spend, but it is an investment item. I wasn't a fan of the Michael Kors bags with the MK logo plastered all over it. I prefer carrying simple, structured bags. I also don't like carrying around the same bag that everyone else has, but I simply fell in LOVE with this fuchsia bag. I have to have at least one bag in my favorite color, right? I normally always buy black but I decided to be daring this time. Isn't she lovely?

Michael Kors Selma Satchel